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Showing posts with label daily life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily life. Show all posts

Sunday, November 30, 2014


There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18)


As I was meditating on the word of God, I was brooding over this particular topic on fear for a while. Fear is a peculiar weapon that the enemy uses to shatter the faith of Christians. Fear can keep you under bondage (Romans 8: 15). Fear can torment you. ( 1 John 4: 18) Fear is one among the most fiery darts the devil use to get you paralyzed, frozen and to even give up your walk with the Lord. As humans, we are vulnerable. We fear of things we do not know. We fear things yet to come. We fear consequences of our past. We fear death, at times we even fear to live. We fear people. We fear demons and why not, we even fear GOD out of condemnation.

This is how the devil works. He put thoughts of fear in you and stands as a silent spectator watching the way you react. As you give way, he puts in more of such thoughts till you wind up in depression. Another deception of the devil is to make you feel intimidated when you dare to acknowledge your hidden fears, so that you will be in the same vicious cycle again.

If you have been gripped by fear of any nature, be it acknowledged or hidden, the good news is that you are not alone. Fear had been the devil`s weapon since ages and that is why, the word `Fear not ` has been documented in the Bible for more than 365 times, (as if God is telling us not to fear everyday of the year).

If you have been a captive of fear, today is your day to conquer it. It is written in Hebrews 2: 14, 15 that Jesus died on the cross to take victory over death so that we are no longer under the bondage of fear of death. The Love of God is higher, deeper and wider enough to cast away all your fears. God has given us the spirit of adoption whereby we can cry unto him Abba Father.

So if you are someone seeking how to loosen yourself from fear, just follow these simple steps below.

  •  Come before God as you are, as a clay in the potter`s hands, as a child to his or her father, as a creation to the creator, as a captive to the deliverer and cry out to him till he puts his loving hands around you and whisper not to fear.
  •  Honestly acknowledge and renounce every of your hidden fears before him, till your burdens are lifted up.
  •  Meditate on the word of God till your armor of faith rise enough to repel every dart of fear aimed at you. 
  • Be filled with the love of Christ and be ready to take every thought captive according to 2 Corinthians 10:5.
  • Use the sword of the word of God and all - prayer to fight back.                                 Remember, We are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us.(Romans 8:37). God bless!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Helping children overcome emotional problems, the christian way.!

Every child goes through , some kind of emotional disturbances, as they go through the hazzles of life before reaching adulthood. Emotional problems in children when dealt at a right age, can bring lasting effects ,making them  healthy adults of future. Emotions such as joy , fear and anger and secondary emotions such as embarrassment, shame , guilt play a critical role in organizing the child`s behavior throughout their lives.

When a child is emotionally stressed, the common expression is uncontrolled anger and an aggressive behavior. Some children withdraw themselves from their surrounding, ending themselves in depression. Some children presents themselves ,with a loss of confidence and reduced self esteem. Whatever be it, emotions, when they cannot be controlled by the child becomes emotional problems , that can seriously affect the child`s development in various areas of life. Here are below, 7 tips to help children, cope with behavioural problems.

1.       Unconditional love and quality time from parents.

2.       Helping children to vent out , what they feel.

3.       Encouraging healthy habits

4.       Reducing stress at home.

5.       Helping children to improve coping and problem solving skills.

6.       Prayer and meditation

7.       Creating a safety plan in case of highly susceptible kids.

Unconditional love and quality time from parents:

The root of most of the emotional problems in childhood, is either love deprivation or conditional love. Hence parents and caretakers of children with emotional problem ,should provide them with unconditional love and spend quality time of interaction with them.

Helping children to vent out:

Listening to children empathically , and encouraging them to vent out their feelings, can keep children from building up pressure . Correct ways to diffuse anger, like time outs and distractions can also be taught to children, according to their age.

Encouraging healthy habits:

Encouraging the child to have healthy habits such as, outdoor play,exercise,healthy diet, good sleep and less screen time ,all of them play a vital role in helping child to cope with their emotions.

Reducing stress at home:

Grief and loss in any family can have a big impact on the emotional wellbeing of the children. Hence it is the responsibility of the parents, to provide a secure and stress free environment to the children , at home. If the parents themselves are going through emotional stresses, and are unable to deal it themselves, then it is better that they meet a counselor and get them resolved.

Helping children to improve coping and problem solving skills:

 Negative thoughts in children, can be removed by encouraging child to approach a problem in a different prospective. Encouragement, praise and placing achievable targets can enhance a child`s problem solving ability.

Prayer and meditation:

Prayer and meditation of the word of God, can help children to trust in God, for problems that they cannot solve. Prayer , can also relax a child`s mind, making it peaceful and tranquile. Helping children understand the love of God and teaching them to forgive , can heal really sick hearts.helping children to meditate on the love of christ, from the word of God can lay in them a strong and healthy foundation.

Creting safety plan for highly susceptible kids:

Children who have no control over their emotions , and have expressed their wish to die,should be dealt very carefully, by creating a safety plan at home, with a good list of phone numbers , to call up when they cannot control their emotions.children taking antidepressants should be treated cautiously. Parents should be prepared for any emergency ,handling highly susceptible children.
There is nothing in the world, that prayer cannot change. Parents dedicated to help out their kids in their problems,can always run to the throne of grace for their children.
Dealing emotional stresses at a very early age , is the dynamic approach  for treating emotional problems ,than treating it as a full-fledged disorder.hence , healthy parenting is mandatory for the emotional well-being of children.



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